Monday, December 14, 2009


Love It.
Admire the beauty, the taste and of course the smell

A different way to look at Durian perhaps?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

No Future

Go To hell people with no future! The world hate you guys!
Sometimes I wondered why do people like them exist in this world!
I paling benci orang yang kutuk orang lain!
Hey hello! Macam le kome tu bagos sangat!
Jangan nak tunjuk bagus sangat lah k!
Aku rase macam aku baru jumpe manusia yang paling bangang kat sini!
Boleh eh ko kutuk manusia yang sesame bangsa, agama, negara dengan kau!
Aku memang kesian seribu kali kesian kepada MAK ko, BAPAK ko, NENEK ko, TOK ko, BINI ko, and mostly ANAK ko!
Tanggungjawab letak kat bini!

Pesan I, Jangan lah kit menterjebakkan diri kite ngan orang2 macam tuh!

Eii!! dah lah x matang pastu wat2 matang!!!
p/s: Aku seriusly tengah marah nie!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Telinga Kesayanganku

Bebelan Tahap ****

Aku manusia yang ade telinga and otak which telah diberi akal yang terlalu bernilai...
Jadi.. setiap kata2 yang dilemparkan oleh manusia, akan memasuki gegendang telinga ku yang tiada gantinya. Selepas getaran bunyi telah memasuki kedalam telingaku serta telah di proses, aku boleh menilai tentang apa yang aku dengar...
I dont Know How it works... but it WORKS!!!

Ini Structure of our Ear

Thursday, November 5, 2009

We Need Drama In Our Lives

So... I entered Drama Team... I am a Mouse that is an athlete, very hyperactive...



Voice Projection


Facial Expression


Body Language



Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Why Do They Hate Me?

PC PC pc pc PC pc pC
Personal Computer + viruses =money burned+headache+Angry People
thats what happended to me. But thankfully, I know a way to online. hehe
just Ctrl+Alt+Del would do!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sometimes.. they sucks!

My desktop x boleh berfunction! Grrr! Sbb ape USB port die rosak..Bile USB port die rosak.. Keyboard, mouse, thumbdrive and so on x leh function!
I need these shits because.. i need my pictures from the desktop.. Nie kene gi repair ah!
haish! susah susah.. anyone! can you help moi?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My English Teacher

Hari Jumaat Hari tuh bersamaan dengan 2/10/2009 kami warga 4 Sigma 1 telah meraikan pembelajaran bersama Mr Hazel untuk kali terakhir. Pada period pertama... Kami dengan sabarnya menunggu kedatanga beliau. Pada masa yang sama rakan2 lain (Net, Playboy Paan, Ayam, Isteri Amer) telah bersiap sedia untuk mengambil makanan yang telah diorder dari Domino's Pizza!.. Sementara kami yang menjadi penunngu setia di kelas telah bermain dengan satu permainan dimana nampaknya askar kita kurang meminatinya.

Main baling Tong Biskut! tak ke dangerous?

Pada masa yang sama kami sempat mempromote kuih buatan sendiri dan juga kuih tunjuk!
Sir dah datang! Waktu first kami dengan tekunya mempelajari Literature.Short Story-Looking For A Rain God... Kami juga telah mengrefreshkan minda kami tentang pantang larang yang telah kami ketahui sejak sekian lama dahulu.and at the same time kami juga telah mengetahui pantang larang yang berbahaya seperti melibatkan pengorbanan nyawa manusia.
Waktu Yang Ke-Dua
Aku Tak tipu.. See DOMINO'S
Bace doa dulu sebelum makan! Amir lead!
Guest of Honor pilih dulu!

Hehe sempat berposing!

Before the curtain close for the last time!
We'll be missing you Mr Hazel!
After this... there will be no more the one we called the Blurr teacher!
Blurr, Blurr tapi Funny!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Its gonna be a cold lonely summer.....bla bla bla
See u in September! sealed with a kiss.
September the month i found it and i lost it...
Funny but true...
I realised something..
This happened because of the plan that were made for us.
Oh whatever!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hilang Dalam Realiti

  • Mcm.... kita berada dlm dunia fantasi... Kita sentiasa mengelamun.. kalu aku.. mengelamun jadi askar ug hebat. Lost in reality but live in a fantasy. -askar

  • macam bermimpi di siang hari sambil mata terbuka. tak pon macam kita tak memberi sepenuh tumpuan waktu buat something lar.. HeHeHe.. iddin

  • Maybe berangan untuk sesuatu yang terlalu jauh untuk dicapai. Memikirka masa akan datnag seperti beranganla. hehehe - Shakirah

  • Aku tak paham langsung maksud nie!! Maybe koma kot! - Faterah

  • Maybe ko dah tak betol kot.-Hajar

  • Bile ko pikir pasal mende lain time ko buat / tak wat sesuatu:cnth- ko pikir psl nak kahwin time potong sayur! Mmg LOL- Jiddy

  • ikot aku ..tido.^*^ pikir psal sj!- ame

  • maknenyetak fokus. otak melayang-layang. Tapi best gak kalo lost in reality. Bole pg alam fantasi.. Pikir psl AF.- Net

  • Tidor a tuh. da tido mimpi je a, x yah pikir pasal physic lagi. ALIP

  • Ntah, aku pun x tau. mcm alya kut. selalu tido dalam kelas haha.-khairi-

Kepade yang telah menyumbagkan idea tetapi idea anda x terpapar di post ini bermakne....idea korang same..and yang khas untuk aku and ade yang terlalu panjang dan merepek-repek sampai jadi kerepek.and aku mls nak sorry ah ye

Friday, June 19, 2009


I wish that I can fly
I wish that I can swim in the deepst ocean
I wish that I can meet everyone in this world
I wish that I escape whenever and wherever i want
I wish that I can discover who you really are to me
I wish.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009


hehe kelas kami dah maju!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Gila Bayang

Maksudnya (pd pendapat manusia):

  1. Perasan-F.A.A

  2. Gile bayang nie macam kemaruk la. angau la senang cite.-Hafisha

  3. Tergila kt seseorang, sampai baynag pon leh bawak msok mimpi- aimi

  4. Gile bayang nie berangan sampai x makan, x mandi, sume x buat.alif(terbalikkan)

  5. Gile bayang ni adalah bayang2 yang gile yang terdapat di sekitar Hospital Bahagia- askar

  6. Maksudnya! orang yang gile samapi die main dengan bayang2 die sendiri-Turgid pun bole

  7. Gila mengikut kamus bewan bahasa edisiketiga ialah kurang waras atau sakit jiwa, manakala bayang pula ialah jelmaan, teman rapat atau pun tenpat gelap-epul

*Gambar tak de kene mengene dengan entry nie

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

You sucked!!

'I don't know what I'm saying. I hate my job. I hate my job and the review'
That's what Ali said in KAMI the movie.
I'm in his shoe right now. Ali, i know how you felt.waaaaaa!!
Its like you hate everything that you do right now but you cant stop!
You were urged to do stuff that you are new to it and theres like no one there to help you!
Yet you have to do it.
Pressured + bored = Life sucks!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Preview for me

Hey yall,
Sorry, I supposed to post this yesterday, but I was too tired to do that.
yesterday Me and other 32 student of the science stream went to the UKM Anatomy Museum.and Faculty Of Health Science UITM.

PHOTOS - X sume gamba yg boleh aku tayangkan. Atas sebab menjage whatever and ever.take notes, yg nak gamba nie, amik, amik

Kenangan- aku x de dlm pic

Hehe Bani plak x de



Da habis



Tengok org belajar

Kuman!!or bacteria


Abg cute ngan x-ray

'Demo' x-ray

Sesi penerangan and soal jawab

Abg2 yg still blaja

Sunday, February 22, 2009


haii. there soo many thing happened this last few day. lets start with

Friday. 2oth Feb..
Me and so went to the Alamanda. Girls day out and guess who we met n took pictures with?
hmmm. Farah! Farah AF!
So heres proof,

Me, So and Farah

So's mom and Farah.
She looked pale without make up. x sihat la.. Jmpe kat carefour. Tngah shopping la. Its not everyday u meet someone who has name on the industry shopping at carefour

Saturday 21st Feb 2009
It was a BLAST!! Hmm x rugi datang. Oh well, I didn't participated in sports event. Cuz slame ni I always participate in 4x100 meter perempuan. But no this year.
Enough of that.

Syahbandar !!!!!

Ahli2 Kawad kaki tngh beraksi

Maskot rumah Syahbandar.-Comelkan? Borrowed from TM.

PN. Norain tngah lemparkan kata2 semangat untk the cheerleaders

Cheerleaders tngah Ber-cheer for us.
Nanti I'll comeback to update more photos on that day.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Bye January, Bye You Guys, Bye....
They off to boarding school this 10th. Bye, bye, bye.
I'm not sad cuz they are gonna leaving us. But I will feel the lost, the absence of them, Somewhere somehow, they will leave us someday and all that left is memory.
Also, bye A.

Take a deep breath, and leave out the rest for awhile.

  • Bilelah nak start tuition nie...
  • AddMath x leh nk understand btol2
  • Homework bertimbun
  • Physics lagi lah.
  • Paham2kan sendiri ah.
  • My life right now is soo different from last year.
  • I felt like a cultural shock. hehe
  • but whatever,
  • Banyaknyer hmwrk yg tertangguh!!
  • ah, aku x kisah...
  • Just do it NIA.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Point and shoot. so?

Everyone can do that, even now days they don't need to point, just shoot. art lah konon. Creative ah konon. so? kolo camtu, sume org nk jd photographer pn boleh lh?
please. even if u ade camera yg 5 ribu pn x de gnenyer if u just point and shoot. please lah ok jngn nak berlagak.

hmmm. saper yg trgigit cili dialah yg terase pedasnye, padan muke. hehe

Friday, January 23, 2009


very2 busy, and kinda stressed out. That's how i felt during these few weeks, but now raya cina pnyer cuti, so i can kick back and relax.
Guess what?we- Me n So painted the class with something you called royal purple- well i called it la


Then we went back to school, to paint of course. So hoho penat and those paints were so heavy, Luckily there's no bone broken. Kiteorg bahagi time nak paint each other class, half an hour each. Tapi, mestilah ade terlebih sikitkan.

This is how 4S2 class looks like.PURLPINK

30 minutes up, 4S1 pnyer turn lak. So, i started to bentang all the newspapers- to cover, protect and prevent from the paint to fall on the floor. Stared with wearing my 'working cloth'. and went messy on the finger

Finger painting.hehe

after cleaning up.

all the messes that we create.hehe

As you can see, the class is not fully done, on 27 baru siap kot. and its gonna be soo cool. cant wait!