Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Point and shoot. so?

Everyone can do that, even now days they don't need to point, just shoot. art lah konon. Creative ah konon. so? kolo camtu, sume org nk jd photographer pn boleh lh?
please. even if u ade camera yg 5 ribu pn x de gnenyer if u just point and shoot. please lah ok jngn nak berlagak.

hmmm. saper yg trgigit cili dialah yg terase pedasnye, padan muke. hehe

Friday, January 23, 2009


very2 busy, and kinda stressed out. That's how i felt during these few weeks, but now raya cina pnyer cuti, so i can kick back and relax.
Guess what?we- Me n So painted the class with something you called royal purple- well i called it la


Then we went back to school, to paint of course. So hoho penat and those paints were so heavy, Luckily there's no bone broken. Kiteorg bahagi time nak paint each other class, half an hour each. Tapi, mestilah ade terlebih sikitkan.

This is how 4S2 class looks like.PURLPINK

30 minutes up, 4S1 pnyer turn lak. So, i started to bentang all the newspapers- to cover, protect and prevent from the paint to fall on the floor. Stared with wearing my 'working cloth'. and went messy on the finger

Finger painting.hehe

after cleaning up.

all the messes that we create.hehe

As you can see, the class is not fully done, on 27 baru siap kot. and its gonna be soo cool. cant wait!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Its been too long since i wrote. So many things happened last month.
Today is FIRST of JANUARY 2009.
Time flies when you having fun.
I got 6As for my PMR. I expected that I might get 6As.
I'm a little bit disappointed and quickly accepted that I don't get 8As.
Everything happens for a reason.
So this year 2009, Its going to be a blast! HAPPY ME YEAR!!
I'm still deciding if i want to go to boarding school or stay here in Smk p91