Wednesday, April 8, 2009

You sucked!!

'I don't know what I'm saying. I hate my job. I hate my job and the review'
That's what Ali said in KAMI the movie.
I'm in his shoe right now. Ali, i know how you felt.waaaaaa!!
Its like you hate everything that you do right now but you cant stop!
You were urged to do stuff that you are new to it and theres like no one there to help you!
Yet you have to do it.
Pressured + bored = Life sucks!


ADDY said...

anda harus lah bersyukur dgn kehidupan anda biarpun mmg sucks gile . x)
poyo je ayat i kn ? ngee

NIA said...

skema gile weih!

ADDY said...

yeah so . i mmg nerd . kne skema baii ;D

Soraya said...

ali ngan izzah due2 x betol..
soraya rox!!